Best Hair Follicle Detox Shampoos for Drug Test

Have you recently applied for a job but are scared of the drug test that the employer might ask you to take before you join? If yes, the best hair follicle detox shampoo for drug test will save you from this tension.

While weed is slowly being legalized in different states in the country, many people still have to go through a drug test before they are considered for a job. Why? Because employers can’t hire anyone who is under the influence of an external substance all the time. In the face of stringent drug testing requirements, NEXXUS ALOE RID SHAMPOO stands as your reliable ally. Ensuring a thorough cleanse, this shampoo – guarantees the removal of any lingering traces, helping you pass your drug test with confidence.

Most employers commonly test for marijuana. That’s because it contains THC, which can impair motor skills, coordination, and judgment. The problem with THC is that it stays in your system for a long time, and so it can easily be detected even if the effects wear off. Many employers ask the candidates to go for a urine test. But these days, follicle tests are considered more accurate. In order to pass a drug test, it is important to use products such as Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo to ensure there is no trace of THC in the body.


Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean

  • Is the main part Of The Macujo Method!
  • Is the main part Of The Jerry G Method!
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Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo

  • Shampoo and Conditioner. Internal Hair Purifying Treatment that removes medications, chemical buildup and other impurities from within the hair shaft.
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Regardless of when you last consumed THC, the test may detect this substance as it can stay up to three months in your blood and may also be present in your hair.

So, what does that mean? Should you stop putting in efforts on job applications because you know you can’t resist marijuana, or is there another way out? Well, there is, and we refer to it as hair follicle detox shampoos.

How Does a Hair Drug Test Work?

Do you know that all your hair follicles are connected to your bloodstream? This means that with time, the impurities and toxins that have been entering your bloodstream can easily build into the hair follicles. And that is why it is easy for all hair tests to detect a drug, even if it’s been three months since you last used it. To ensure that your body is rid of any toxins that may be present in your hair follicles, it is important to use Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo to help reduce the impurities that can accumulate in your hair.

This is especially true with long hair, so it’s safe to say that your hair can share your story, which authorities can trace through testing.

Best Hair Follicle Detox Shampoos

So, What Happens in a Hair Drug Test?

This test works quite similarly to any other drug test. The expert at a lab takes your hair strand and uses it for chemical testing for toxins such as methamphetamines, marijuana, ecstasy, and cocaine. These technicians often select 120 hairs from your head’s crown without creating any bald spots.

Some people do not have enough hair on their heads. In that case, the experts take their body hairs and use them for testing.

Interestingly, all drugs have a varying response against chemicals, but the results are always accurate and clear. Why? Because all follicle tests have two different stages.

A follicle drug test takes place in two different steps. These are:

  1. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
  2. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)

If your hair strand shows a negative result after the ELISA test, you will be clear, and this will save the strand from passing to the next stage. However, if the first stage shows a positive result, your strand sample will have to go through the second stage of testing, the GC-MS, to eradicate any chances of false negatives.

Here is a complete list of drugs that a follicle drug test can detect:

  1. Methamphetamines
  2. Amphetamines
  3. Cocaine
  4. Marijuana
  5. Ecstasy
  6. PCP
  7. Xanax
  8. Opiates
  9. Fentanyl

Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean

  • Is the main part Of The Macujo Method!
  • Is the main part Of The Jerry G Method!
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Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo

  • Shampoo and Conditioner. Internal Hair Purifying Treatment that removes medications, chemical buildup and other impurities from within the hair shaft.
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The main difference between a urine and hair follicle drug test is the detection time window. A urine test can only test for a drug taken just three days back.

However, a follicle drug test can easily detect drug use patterns in the last three months before the test was taken.

Can You Use the Macujo Method to Pass a Hair Drug Test?

Yes, you can. If you want to clean all the toxins present in your hair and save yourself from a positive result, you can opt for the Macujo method.

The Macujo method makes sure that you do not get into any trouble because of your regular marijuana consumption. With acid exposure, your hair is freed from any THC traces. Besides, it’s quick to perform.

But there is a downside. The Macujo method can easily ruin your hair because of excessive use of acid.

Here are a few things that you may require to perform the Macujo method successfully at home:

  • Shower caps
  • Rubber gloves
  • Vinegar rich in acetic acid
  • Salicylic acid shampoo
  • Goggles
  • Water
  • Aloe Rid detox shampoo

Below we have explained step-by-step instructions to make the Macujo test possible.

  1. Open your cuticles and remove any oil in your hair, dampen your hair using lukewarm water.
  2. Once you are satisfied, apply vinegar to your scalp and hair. Vinegar rich in acetic acid can conveniently open all your hair shafts and also eliminate any toxins present.
  3. After the above step, put some salicylic acid shampoo in your hair. Cover your head with a shower cap for a few minutes so that the contents of the shampoo can reach different areas of your scalp.
  4. Keep the shampoo for at least 30 minutes, and then rinse it off.
  5. Follow the last step by applying some Aloe Rid Detox Shampoo to your hair. This product is rich in propylene glycol shampoo and so can effectively eliminate toxins.
  6. Make sure to repeat the whole process at least four times. This way, you can cleanse your head from different marijuana metabolites.
  7. If you want to pass the drug test with flying colors, use tide detergent in the above process.

It is very imperative to follow all the steps keenly. A small mistake can change your test results for the worse.

Moreover, since this test requires you to handle many acids, wear goggles and gloves to protect yourself. Also, if you have sensitive skin, avoid following this method altogether.

Why is This Method Effective?

Many of you may ask, what makes the Macujo method effective? The answer is simple, and that is water. Lukewarm water acts as a successful neutral agent to open your hair and allow the acids to remove any THC residues.

In this process, you may also witness burning and red scalp, but that’s what you have to suffer if you want to get rid of the toxic components.

HealthwatchLeicestershire advises you to opt for high-quality products and pay all your attention to the 1.5cm distance between the hair and scalp. It is because this part is often considered for the test.

There are a few other downsides of the Macujo method. For instance, other than damaging your hair, the acids require many washes to vanish from your hair completely. Besides, other than THC, this method doesn’t work effectively for any other drug.

What’s more, some ingredients used to perform this method are expensive. So, if you don’t earn well, this method may not be feasible for you.

And in that case, it is best to opt for the best hair follicle detox shampoo for drug test.


Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean

  • Is the main part Of The Macujo Method!
  • Is the main part Of The Jerry G Method!
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Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo

  • Shampoo and Conditioner. Internal Hair Purifying Treatment that removes medications, chemical buildup and other impurities from within the hair shaft.
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What is a Hair Detox Shampoo?

A hair detox shampoo is a solution to get a revived and new mane. It is designed to eliminate any build-up of oil, debris, and products that you might be overusing. But most importantly, this shampoo helps remove any THC or other drug residues that might be present in your hair.

This shampoo helps perform all degrees of cleansing and makes your scalp and strand drug-free.

If you want to know more, the rest of this guide covers shampoo to pass hair follicle drug test reviews.

Hair Follicle Detox Shampoo Reviews

We have reviewed nine different hair detox shampoos for you so that you can conveniently buy one that meets your requirements. Keep reading to know all the details.

Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid and Nexxus Aloe Rid

As the product of Toxin Rid, the Old Style Aloe Rid is one of the most amazing and effective clarifying shampoos available in the market. This was initially known as Nexxus Aloe Rid but got a name change recently.

The Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid is a potent shampoo that includes propylene glycol in its composition. This ingredient makes this product quite effective and, at the same time, prevents your hair from getting lifeless and dull.

In addition, the Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo has aloe vera. This ingredient helps prevent dryness and keeps your hair thick and smooth.

What’s more, the shampoo has many natural conditioning ingredients. These again help to maintain the luxury texture of your hair.

Every wash with the Old Style Aloe Rid shampoo will flush out all the toxins present in your hair follicles. However, you need to use the shampoo typically for a maximum of 10 days before you head out for a test. During this time, avoid smoking weed or other toxins to get your required results.

How to Use This Shampoo

Here is the best way to use the Old Style Aloe Rid shampoo:

  1. After using your normal shampoo and rinsing your hair properly, apply the Old Style Aloe Rid shampoo.
  2. Use your fingers to massage the shampoo in your scalp and hair. Make sure it is fully absorbed.
  3. Then leave the shampoo in your hair for a maximum of 15 minutes.
  4. Now use lukewarm water to rinse your hair and remove the shampoo.

This detox shampoo isn’t one of the cheapest products available in the market, but its effectiveness and performance surpass every other product.


  • The shampoo is potent, which helps it to remove a majority of drug metabolites.
  • It contains aloe vera, which keeps the scalp healthy.
  • You don’t require a conditioner after using this product.
  • This shampoo contains safe ingredients.


  • If you are a heavy drug user, you might not find this shampoo useful.
  • This is an expensive product.
  • The effects are not permanent, so you have to be regular with the use.

Zydot Ultra Clean

While bleaching your hair pass a hair follicle test, there is only a 40% to 80% reduction of metabolites. In that case, the Zydot Ultra Clean shampoo works as a savior.

This clarifying shampoo is ideal for light and moderate users of weed. However, if you are a chronic smoker, you might need to use the Old Style Aloe Rid with this shampoo to get the best results.

The Zydot Ultra Clean shampoo is designed to remove all impurities from your hair and make them super-clean so as not to detect traces of drugs in your test. Moreover, the solution contains aloe vera extracts to make your scalp healthy and fresh after a good shampoo session.

But what makes this product less suitable than other shampoos is its long application. The process takes almost 45 minutes to finish.

How to Use This Shampoo

  1. You need to follow the 3-part system when using this product.
  2. First, cleanse the scalp using your normal shampoo.
  3. Then use your fingers to massage the Zydot Ultra Clean shampoo in your hair for a straight 15 minutes.
  4. Once done, use the purifier to remove dissolved toxins and impurities hidden in your scalp.
  5. Once done, use the shampoo again for 15 minutes.
  6. Rinse your hair and then end the procedure by applying the conditioner.

The effects of this shampoo last for a day. So, you can use it just a day before taking the test. However, avoid taking weed during this time to prevent the re-contamination of the scalp.


  • This is a budget-friendly shampoo.
  • It contains aloe vera, which prevents your scalp from drying.
  • This product is readily available in stores and online platforms.


  • The application process is long and cumbersome.
  • Since it doesn’t work properly without other shampoos, the overall price may rise.

Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean

  • Is the main part Of The Macujo Method!
  • Is the main part Of The Jerry G Method!
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Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo

  • Shampoo and Conditioner. Internal Hair Purifying Treatment that removes medications, chemical buildup and other impurities from within the hair shaft.
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High Voltage Detox Shampoo

Next up in our hair follicle drug test shampoo reviews, we have the High Voltage Detox Shampoo. This is a liquid shampoo and contains Tetrasodium EDTA, Sodium Thiosulfate, Glycerin, Cocamide DEA, and Citric Acid. Among these ingredients, the EDTA is the most efficient ingredient that gives this shampoo its antioxidant properties.

Moreover, the rest of the ingredients help open the cuticles and provide shampoo and easy access to your hair shaft. In addition, the High Voltage Detox shampoo can also remove toxins present on your hair shaft’s surface.

How to Use This Shampoo

  1. Wash and rinse your hair using your regular shampoo.
  2. Once done, massage the High Voltage Detox shampoo in your hair and wear a shower cap for 30 minutes.
  3. Once done, wash your hair again and air dry them.

If you wish to see your expected results on the drug test, Healthwatch Leicestershire suggests refraining from using any drug while using this shampoo. The High Voltage Detox Shampoo is not an affordable product, but it can work well for many light to medium drug users.


  • It has many ingredients that support the performance of this shampoo.
  • The shampoo is in liquid form and is easy to apply.
  • It helps to remove all toxins present in your hair follicles.


  • This isn’t an affordable product.
  • We won’t recommend it to extreme drug users.

Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean

  • Is the main part Of The Macujo Method!
  • Is the main part Of The Jerry G Method!
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Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo

  • Shampoo and Conditioner. Internal Hair Purifying Treatment that removes medications, chemical buildup and other impurities from within the hair shaft.
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Omni Cleansing Shampoo

If you are looking for the best detox hair shampoo for THC, try the Omni Cleansing Shampoo. What makes this product unique?

The Omni Cleansing Shampoo is made of formula, Liquipsyll 4, specifically designed to remove any toxins present in your hair. The formula contains six types of ingredients that make your scalp and hair clean.

To enjoy the positive results of this shampoo, it is wise to use this shampoo three to four hours before taking the test. As per some users, the effects of the shampoo last for a maximum of 10 hours.

How to Use This Shampoo

  1. Wash your hair using your regular shampoo.
  2. Once rinsed, apply half a bottle on your head and massage for 15 to 20 minutes so that every little ingredient gets absorbed quickly.
  3. Wash your hair.
  4. Repeat the above two steps.
  5. Use a clean towel to rinse your hair.
  6. Finally, dry your hair.

To ensure best results, avoid

  • Using one comb in your treated and non-treated hair.
  • Drying your hair with the same towel.
  • Using the same pillowcase.


  • The shampoo is rich in many ingredients, which make it effective against many toxins.
  • This product is affordable.
  • You don’t have to spend much time in the bathroom while using this shampoo.


  • According to some users, the shampoo failed to produce desirable results.

Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean

  • Is the main part Of The Macujo Method!
  • Is the main part Of The Jerry G Method!
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Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo

  • Shampoo and Conditioner. Internal Hair Purifying Treatment that removes medications, chemical buildup and other impurities from within the hair shaft.
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All Clear Detox Shampoo

All Clear Detox is a drug detoxification hair shampoo that can help clear your drug test. It contains many different detoxifying ingredients that can easily penetrate your hair and remove all kinds of debris and particles.

How to Use This Shampoo

  1. Rinse your hair with regular shampoo, and then apply the All Clear Detox on your hair.
  2. Let the formula sit on your head for 15 minutes before you rinse it off.
  3. Then apply the shampoo again and then repeat the second step.
  4. Finally, use hair gels on your hair, section your hair, and let the gel absorb properly in your scalp.

While this shampoo is ideal for recreational users, it doesn’t work for daily drug takers. Besides, it is pricier than most other options on this list. So make sure you have enough money to fund this product for your test.


  • This shampoo has many detoxifying ingredients that make it easy for this shampoo to perform its job.
  • The use process is easy and quick.
  • This is an ideal product for recreational users.


  • The All Clear Detox shampoo doesn’t work for regular users.
  • It is an expensive bottle.

Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean

  • Is the main part Of The Macujo Method!
  • Is the main part Of The Jerry G Method!
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Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo

  • Shampoo and Conditioner. Internal Hair Purifying Treatment that removes medications, chemical buildup and other impurities from within the hair shaft.
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Clear Choice Hair Follicle Shampoo

The Clear Choice Hair Follicle Shampoo is ideal for removing all toxins and drug residues with only a one-time application. As one of the best detoxifying shampoos, this product contains safe ingredients that prevent any harm to your scalp.

Besides, the results of the application last for a maximum of eight hours. The shampoo is also readily available, and according to some users, it also has a lower price than most other brands.

The shampoo antioxidants help open your hair strands and then penetrate your head to eliminate the toxins. It also coats your hair strands that prevent any toxic extraction during the test.

The main ingredients present in this shampoo are:

  • Blue #1
  • Cocamide MEA
  • Cocamidopropyl Betaine
  • Citric Acid
  • Sodium Chloride
  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
  • Water

How to Use This Shampoo

  1. Use a comb to clean your hair.
  2. Once done, use the entire shampoo bottle to wash your hair. First, massage the hair with shampoo using your fingers, then warm water to rinse them off.
  3. Then open the purifier that comes with the shampoo and apply the full product to your hair.
  4. Let the purifier rest on your head for 15 minutes before you wash your hair.

Since the coating will disappear after eight hours, make sure to perform the test within this time duration. Also, after using this shampoo, avoid applying any hair products.


  • It is made of a safe formula.
  • This shampoo is readily available.
  • It is quite affordable.


  • You have to use both shampoo and purifier together, which may consume a lot of time under the shower.

Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean

  • Is the main part Of The Macujo Method!
  • Is the main part Of The Jerry G Method!
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Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo

  • Shampoo and Conditioner. Internal Hair Purifying Treatment that removes medications, chemical buildup and other impurities from within the hair shaft.
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Magnum Detox Shampoo

Another amazing hair detox shampoo for your desirable drug test results, the Magnum Detox shampoo, is a natural, safe, and easy to use product. It can effectively remove all the toxins present in your hair and cleanse your hair shaft for impurities.

With just single-use, the Magnum Detox shampoo easily penetrates your hair shaft and does its job successfully. In addition, this robust cleaner doesn’t contain any chemicals or ingredients with mutagenic properties that can cause damage to your scalp.

Moreover, it boosts hair growth and helps maintain the pH level of your hair.

How to Use This Shampoo

  1. Make sure to wet your hair before applying the Magnum Detox shampoo. This way, it becomes easy to lather your hair with this product.
  2. Use half a bottle and apply the liquid.
  3. Use your fingers to massage the shampoo in your hair. You can also wear a shower cap as the shampoo rests on your head.
  4. Rinse your hair using warm water after the shampoo has rested for a good 30 minutes.
  5. Now apply the remaining shampoo and repeat all the steps above.
  6. Wash your hair and then dry them with a dryer. Don’t use any hair products after giving the Magnum Detox treatment to your hair.

Unfortunately, the effects of this shampoo only last for a short time. So, if you want long-lasting results, use Zydot shampoo with this product.


  • The application is quick and easy.
  • Fortunately, the Magnum Detox shampoo is safe and natural.
  • It promotes hair growth and increases hair strength.


  • The effects do not last for long.
  • You might have to use a supplementary product with this shampoo for your desired results.

Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean

  • Is the main part Of The Macujo Method!
  • Is the main part Of The Jerry G Method!
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Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo

  • Shampoo and Conditioner. Internal Hair Purifying Treatment that removes medications, chemical buildup and other impurities from within the hair shaft.
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Stat Detox Shampoo

The Stat Detox shampoo uses a two-part system to remove all kinds of toxins from your follicles. It lasts for 24 hours and makes your hair clean and free from any drug particles.

What’s more, this shampoo also maintains the pH balance of your hair and keeps them healthy and strong.

The Stat Detox shampoo is made of herbal and gentle ingredients that make it penetrate smoothly in your hair strands. Additionally, it doesn’t remove perm or hair dye that you might have applied to your hair.

If put simply, the Stat Detox shampoo works as a moisturizer that untangles and conditions your hair while also eliminating bothersome drug residues.

How to Use This Shampoo

The shampoo is available as a kit that contains a unique 2-part system for cleansing. This kit has a hair rinse and a cleanser which is quite enough for two washes. In addition, the shampoo contains a very special formula that digs into your cortex to remove impurities.

  1. Apply half of the given cleanser to make your hair wet.
  2. Then massage the roots using your fingers.
  3. Wear a shower cap to cover your hair.
  4. Apply heat to your hair for 15 minutes using a dryer.
  5. Then rinse the cleanser using warm water.
  6. Now apply half of the hair rinse to your hair.
  7. Massage properly and let the rinse stay for 15 minutes.
  8. Now rinse off and dry your hair with a new and clean towel.

If you want to gain optimum results, use this shampoo two times before the test. Besides, for thick hair, make sure to use this shampoo two times.


  • This shampoo is an ideal moisturizer.
  • It is made of gentle ingredients which work effectively for your hair.
  • The kit is readily available.


  • The 2-part system may annoy a few users.
  • For your thick hair, you will have to use the kit twice.

Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean

  • Is the main part Of The Macujo Method!
  • Is the main part Of The Jerry G Method!
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Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo

  • Shampoo and Conditioner. Internal Hair Purifying Treatment that removes medications, chemical buildup and other impurities from within the hair shaft.
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Dr Greens Wash Away Shampoo

Finally, the Dr Green Wash Away shampoo is the last recommendation for the best detoxifying shampoos. Again, as per most other options on this list, this product is also natural and safe.

Here is what this shampoo achieves for you:

  • Removes toxins and residues
  • Provides results in just one application
  • Treatment stays for up to 8 hours

The Dr Greens Wash Away shampoo performs a process of deep cleaning that disperse all the metabolites that might otherwise appear on your drug test. Then, it coats your hair by forming a thin film that kicks all impurities out.

However, while working out its magic, the Dr Green Wash Away shampoo also strips the fatty acids present in your hair shaft. Unfortunately, this means it increases the probability of your shaft getting harmed by dust and grime.

To save your hair from this misery, keep all your hair products away for a few weeks. Moreover, use a hair care regimen to repair and moisturize your hair.

How to Use This Shampoo

  1. Massage the shampoo in your hair for at least 15 minutes.
  2. Rinse your hair with warm water and repeat the first step.
  3. After the final rinsing, use a clean comb to sort your hair.
  4. Air dry your hair before you head out for the test.

Don’t use hair styling products after this detoxification if you want to excel in your drug test.


  • It is a safe and natural shampoo.
  • This product works its magic with just one application.
  • It removes all toxins successfully.
  • It is quick and easy to use.


  • This shampoo may ruin your hair.
Hair Follicle Detox Shampoo Price Application
Old style Aloe Rid Expensive Easy
Zydot Ultra Clean Cheap 3-part system
High voltage detox shampoo Expensive Easy
Omni cleansing shampoo Affordable Easy
All clear detox shampoo Expensive 2-part system
Clear choice hair follicle shampoo Affordable 2-part system
Magnum detox shampoo Affordable Easy
Stat detox shampoo Affordable 2-part system
Dr Greens wash away shampoo Affordable Easy

How to Choose the Best Hair Detox Shampoo

You might get overwhelmed by the huge variety of shampoos we have for you. So, to make your selection easy, consider some factors before you make a decision.


Instead of buying a detox shampoo that only looks promising, read the ingredient list and product labels to get a detailed knowledge of the chemicals it may contain. You might be allergic to a few, so it is imperative to do this homework to avoid any further problems.

A shampoo with propylene glycol will most probably prove effective. Moreover, ingredients such as apple cider vinegar and green tea extracts are also quite gentle for your hair.

Effectiveness Window

Buy a product that meets your timeframe requirements and has a suitable effectiveness window. For instance, if you can’t attend a test within eight hours of using a shampoo, choose one that has a wide time window.

You can check the labels to know how long the product lasts.

Brand Reputation

Since this is a complicated product, buy a detox shampoo from a reputed brand only. Moreover, choose a company that has good customer reviews and is also recommended by experts.


Some shampoos are expensive, while others are affordable. While you should buy a product on budget, do not compromise on its performance. If you want to win a certain job position, invest in the right and effective product only.


Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean

  • Is the main part Of The Macujo Method!
  • Is the main part Of The Jerry G Method!
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Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo

  • Shampoo and Conditioner. Internal Hair Purifying Treatment that removes medications, chemical buildup and other impurities from within the hair shaft.
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Bottom Line

So, did you find any drug detoxification hair shampoo worthy of your use? If yes, get your hands on one and ace the drug test without any issues.

Since every shampoo has its specific properties, read the labels for all ingredients present and the application process.

We wish you all the best!
