Detoxify Instant Clean Herbal Cleanse to Pass a Drug Test

Detoxify Instant Clean for weed detox is frequently the prior choice of users to pass a drug test.

Marijuana, cannabis, opioids, and cocaine can be easily detected and tested by urine or blood drug tests. The urine drug test is most effective as it can detect marijuana for about thirty days and alcohol for up to 48 hours.

Why do You Need Detoxify Instant Clean Herbal Cleanse?

If you have been using the drugs and now have a job test, you need a simple and instant trick to pass a drug test. Detoxify Instant Clean capsules are one of the most effective and easiest products for the removal of toxins and drugs from the body without any negative effect.

It is the best choice for passing a drug test as it will supplement nutrients, support the digestive system, boosts the immune system for effective cleansing, and contains herbals for metabolism boost to flush toxins.

It is important to choose an effective product for detoxification because some products contain harmful ingredients to adversely affect the body.

To use this product is your own decision, but we will provide you with detailed Detoxify Instant Clean review and specifications.

Detoxify Instant Clean Herbal Cleanse for THC Detox Description

The product comes in the form of three metaboost capsules to flush out the toxins from the body for just $44. These three capsules will replenish the lost vitamins and minerals to help you in the detoxification of drugs. A bit lower, you can also see Toxin Rid.


Toxin Rid

  • Three-part detoxification system with pre-rid tablets, liquid detox, and dietary fiber
  • Specifically designed for people with HEAVY toxin exposure
  • Starts working as fast as one hour
  • Rids your blood, urine, and saliva of unwanted drug toxins
  • 100% money-back guarantee
See Deal →

Mega Clean + PreCleanse Pills

  • Minimizes your toxin levels in one hour, effective for up to five hours with the maximum effect at three hours
See Deal →

Detoxify Instant Clean Herbal Cleanse Ingredients

  • Herbal Extract
  • Vitamin B-12
  • Vitamin
  • Thiamin
  • Biotin
  • Zinc
  • Creatine
  • Riboflavin
  • Folic Acid
  • Pantothenic Acid
  • Manganese
  • Taurine
  • Pyridoxine HCL

Taurine is the most effective ingredient to remove the drugs and their metabolites from the body. The taurine is known as an antioxidant and metabolism booster to help you pass your lab tests. It will improve the functioning of the heart and digestive system to remove the toxins from your body. Another ingredient B-Vitamin is also effective to dilute the urine by adding yellow color. It will make your pee pass an easy thing to go up. All the natural herbs work effectively without creating toxins in the body.

Detoxify Instant Clean

How to Use Detoxify Instant Clean

Use the following directions to use this product:

  1. Intake the clear or Cleansing Blend capsule with 20 ounces of water and wait for 15 mins.
  2. Then take the yellow or Nutrient capsule with 20 ounces of water and wait for 15 mins.
  3. Now, take the blue or Metaboost capsule with 20 ounces of water.
  4. Then, intake 20 oz of water every two hours for better removal and cleansing of metabolites.
  5. Frequent urination of about 3-5 times will indicate proper cleaning of the body by flushing out toxins.

Follow up these Detoxify Instant Clean Herbal Cleanse instructions to get better results:

  1. Try to quit using the drugs when you came to know about the drug test, at least one day before the test.
  2. During cleansing, eat light meals including vegetables, fiber, and fruit.
  3. Constantly hydrate your body by drinking at least 8-12 glasses of water.
  4. To double cleaning effect, use Polisorb and exercise regularly.

Terms of Use

  • Children under eighteen should not use the product.
  • Prohibited to use for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

How Long Does the Effect of the Product Last?

The product can effectively clean your body from toxins and drugs for one day. But for better results, Healthwatch Leicestershire recommends using the Detoxify PreCleansing products two days before the test.

Where to Buy Detoxify Instant Clean Herbal Cleanse Near Me

It is available for sale on the official website of Detoxify. In addition to that, you can also buy it on Amazon, Walmart, eBay, or GNC.

Detoxify Instant Clean Manufacturer Credentials

Manufacturer Detoxify
Launch Year 1994
Address Detoxify, LLC, P.O. Box 6398, Scottsdale, AZ 85261
Phone Number 1-800-DETOX4U (800 333 6948)
Mail [email protected]

There are certain hours to contact the company, customer services will not be available on Saturday and Sunday. You can call them, mail, or can send a message by filling the form on their website.

Does This Product Have Certificates?

This product doesn’t have the certificate for its working for drugs because the FDA declares all the cleaners and detoxifying products illegal. By following the jurisdiction and the FDA guidelines, detoxifying product doesn’t claim to remove the drugs from the body. Instead, the brand says, Detoxify Instant Clean Herbal Cleanse really works for the proper cleaning of the body not for the removal of drugs.

Additional Products to Buy with It

No doubt, by using this product you can pass your drug test but some other products will also be useful.

High Voltage Detox

For Saliva Test

Drugs and their metabolites can also be detected by a saliva test. Using the detox saliva mouthwash, you can pass a saliva test. High Voltage Saliva Cleanse Mouthwash removes the drugs from the saliva for one hour. Use the mouthwash just before the test and swish out until the whole bottle is used.

Detoxify Ready Clean

For Urine Drug Test

Use Detoxify Ready Clean Herbal Cleanse to pass out the urine drug test. It is a quite inexpensive detox product in the form of a drink to flush out the toxins from the body. Based on the vitamins and herbal content, it provides color to the urine and dilutes the toxins ratio to a minimum. Be mindful before using, if the detox products are legal in your jurisdiction.

Pros and Cons


  • Detoxify Instant Clean capsules have a pure herbal formula with low toxicity.
  • Available at different department stores with no harmful ingredients.
  • Don’t need to consume too much liquid with these pills, unlike other detoxifying products.
  • A balanced quantity of each ingredient with easy-to-use instructions.
  • Based on fiber content, improves the digestive system for better cleansing.
  • Also, replenish the vitamins and minerals lost during the cleaning action.


  • You have to drink a lot of water as compared to Mega Clean with one gallon of water.
  • Drinking a high amount of water poses a risk to dilute the sample for the drug test.
  • May cause temporary stomach pain or sweating.

Question and Answers

Does Detoxify Instant Clean Work for Opiates or Alcohol?

Definitely, Detoxify Instant Clean will work for any kind of drug either for alcohol, Cannabis Sativa, or opiates. By improving the digestive system, it flushes out every kind of toxins.

How Does Detoxify Instant Clean Work?

There is a complete science behind the working of Instant Clean pills. It will not flush out the toxins from the body rather it will dilute the piss. By diluting the urine, there will be a low concentration of metabolites that cannot be detected and you can easily pass the drug test.

Can Detoxify Instant Clean be Detected?

There is no chemical test that can detect the Detoxify Instant Clean in your body. After the usage of capsules, they will flush out from the body along with the toxins. So, you don’t need to worry about the detection.

Is the Product Costly Compared to Other Detoxifying Products?

This is such an amazing product at a low price with the best results. Mega Clean with Toxin Rid pre rid pills count for the $69, sounds costly. Also, this is available at a number of online retailers with positive reviews.

Detoxify Instant Clean Herbal Cleanse Customer Reviews

Users who have tried this product gave their reviews as follows.

Positive Reviews

Detoxify Instant Clean Positive Review

The user finds this test effective for the marijuana drug test.

Detoxify Instant Clean Positive Review

This customer used these Detoxifying pills and passed his drug test.

Negative Reviews

Detoxify Instant Clean Negative Review

This customer did not find it effective to pass his drug test.

Detoxify Instant Clean Negative Review

Maybe the person had not followed the instruction but it did not work for him.


Can You Trust This Product?

With all the reviews and evidence, we can award a trusted 4/5 rating to Detoxify Instant Clean Product. As the product is widely used by users all over the world with a majority of them find it best to pass their drug test. Detoxify Instant Clean pills really work by diluting your pee and replacing the minerals that can be detected or lost. HealthwatchLeicestershire suggests that proper hydration and frequent urination can help you to pass a drug test with no toxicity.

It cleans both your blood and urine, preparing you for the test. Though some companies are trying to find the diluted urine indications for analysis of drugs. Still, there is no method is known that can detect diluted urine with a low to no toxins ratio. So, you can easily pass your drug test with these Detoxify Instant Clean pills.
