
Healthwatch Leicestershire Representatives sit on the local health and social care committees and boards listed below. Their role is to represent the views of local people. If you want to ask them a question relating to the committee or board they attend, please contact them by email.

Health & Wellbeing Board
Rick Moore
[email protected]

Integrated Commissioning Executive
Vandna Gohil
[email protected]

Joint Strategic Needs Assessement / Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy
Chris Faircliffe
[email protected]
Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Adult & Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Fiona Barber – Social Care Lead
[email protected]
Children & Families Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Pat Fraser
[email protected]
Carers Project Board
Pat Fraser
Young Carers Multi Agency Network
Pat Fraser
[email protected]
Learning Disability Partnership Board
Anne Collier
[email protected]
Quarterly Meeting with Director of Adult Social Care
Fiona Barber
[email protected]
Pat Fraser
[email protected]

Intergrated Points of Access Project Board
Fiona Barber
[email protected]
Pat Fraser
[email protected]

Quality and Clincal Governance Board
Fiona Barber
[email protected]

Leicestershire & Rutland Safeguarding Effectiveness Board

Safeguarding Effectiveness Group
Sue Staples
[email protected]

Engagement and Participation Group
Gemma Barrow
[email protected]

Public Health

Pharmacy Needs Assessment
Chris Faircliffe
[email protected]

Quality and Clinical Governance Board
Fiona Barber
[email protected]
